
1. What is your name and for which company do you work?

Name, Company, Country, E-mail address, Phone number

2. Which IVD related Products do you purchase from Elisabeth Pharmacon?

3. What clinical material do you use for analysis?

4. What instruments do you use for PCR analysis?

5. Are you satisfied with the performance and quality of our products?

6. How satisfied are you with us as a manufacturer?

5 stars - the most satisfied, 1 star - very dissatisfied

7. Are you unsatisfied with anything in relation to Elisabeth Pharmacon?

8. How satisfied are you with our communication?

5 stars - the most satisfied, 1 star - very dissatisfied

9. How satisfied are you with the collaboration with our sales team?

5 stars - the most satisfied, 1 star - very dissatisfied

10. How satisfied are you with our promotion activities?

5 stars - the most satisfied, 1 star - very dissatisfied

11. How satisfied are you with the delivery terms?

5 stars - the most satisfied, 1 star - very dissatisfied

12. Are there any other products in our range that may be of interest to you?

13. Are there any products not currently offered by our company that you would like us to add to our range?