Kits for manual isolation

EliGene® MTB Isolation


Intended use

EliGene® MTB Isolation Kit is intended for DNA isolation from Mycobacterium species and eventually from further microorganisms (G+) from clinical materials as sputum, decontaminated sputum, cultures, BAL, exudates, urine, swabs.

This kit is optimized for usage with MTB Q-PCR Alert Kit and EliGene kits.

General information

Many problems like inhibitions, low sensitivity etc. occur when isolating DNA from Mycobacteriumspecies. EliGene® MTB Isolation Kit is designed to avoid all problems with PCR inhibitors and low yields of DNA. The total time of isolation process is about 2 hours, including two incubations, each for 30 minutes. Kit contains all components necessary for the DNA isolation, including microtubes. No addition of ethanol or other chemicals is needed.


Items Ref. No. Package Price ex. VAT VAT  
90043-50 50 isolations € 188.10 21 % Buy
Supplement 1220-MTB-IZO supplement for 50 isolations € 35.10 21 % Buy

Instructions for use MTB Isolation Kit

(published 25.01.2018, size 704.8 kB)

Leaflet EliGene MTB Isolation kit - EN

(published 10.06.2019, size 346.6 kB)

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