EliZyme for qRT-PCR

EliZyme™ OneS Green Kit

The EliZyme™ OneS Green Kit is a convenient all-in-one solution for conducting both cDNA synthesis and real-time PCR in a single tube. The kit contains a modified MMLV reverse transcriptase that is thermostable, highly active, and blended with an RNase inhibitor to protect RNA from degradation by RNase contaminants. This RTase can process total RNA, including ribosomal and transfer RNAs, making it ideal for quantifying mRNA, total RNA, and viral sequences.

The kit uses an intercalating dye that does not inhibit real-time PCR and antibody hot-start technology that prevents the formation of primer-dimers and non-specific amplification, leading to improved reaction sensitivity and specificity.

The EliZyme™ OneS Green Kit is designed for sensitivity and is particularly useful for detecting extremely low copy number targets. It provides rapid and accurate results from high template concentrations, giving the earliest Cq values. The advanced buffer chemistry and polymerase technology used in the kit ensure market-leading performance with minimal optimization required.


  • Thermostable reverse transcriptase 45°C to 55°C
  • Advanced RNase inhibitor
  • Non-PCR inhibiting intercalating dye
  • Rapid extension rate for early Cq values
  • Market-leading sensitivity - increased limit of detection
  • Antibody-mediated hot start PCR
  • Compatible on all real-time PCR platforms - standard and fast cycling conditions


  • Absolute quantification
  • Relative gene expression analysis
  • Detection of extremely low copy number targets
  • Template amounts of 10pg - 100ng total RNA or >0.01pg mRNA per reaction
Items Ref. No. Size Package Price ex. VAT VAT  
EliZyme™ OneS Green Kit EZ7601-EN* 1x1ml mix + 1x0,1ml transcriptase 100 rxns € 113.00 21 % Buy

* Transport on dry ice. An additional charge will apply.

EliZyme™ OneS Green Kit EZ7607-EN* 7x1ml mix + 1x0,7ml transcriptase 700 rxns € 727.00 21 % Buy

* Transport on dry ice. An additional charge will apply.

EliZyme™ OneS Green Kit EZ7614-EN* 2x7ml mix + 2x0,7ml transcriptase 1400 rxns € 1 249.00 21 % Buy

* Transport on dry ice. An additional charge will apply.

Instructions for use EliZyme OneS Green Kit

(published 24.08.2023, size 892.6 kB)

Leaflet EliZyme OneS GREEN LowROX - EN

(published 10.06.2019, size 653.4 kB)

MSDS EliZyme OneS Green LowROX Kit-20x RTase EN

(published 19.02.2019, size 533.1 kB)

MSDS EliZyme OneS Green LowROX Kit-2x OneS Green Mix EN

(published 19.02.2019, size 525.5 kB)

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