EliZyme for End-point PCR

EliZyme™ ProofRead HS

EliZyme™ ProofRead HS polymerase is a highly precise proofreading enzyme with innovative hot start technology that enhances the accuracy of PCR. This versatile and robust enzyme is engineered with proprietary mutations to improve DNA binding and increase processivity, resulting in faster extension times (10-30 seconds per kb), higher yields, and the ability to amplify longer and more difficult targets. EliZyme™ ProofRead HS polymerase can amplify eukaryotic genomic templates in excess of 17.5 kb, and longer for simpler DNA templates.

The innovative hot-start technology of EliZyme™ ProofRead HS polymerase uses a proprietary aptamer-like molecule that reversibly inhibits both the 3’-5’ exonuclease activity and 5’- 3’ polymerase activity of the enzyme at ambient temperatures. This unique feature prevents primer-dimer formation and non-specific amplification, improving sensitivity and specificity. The hot-start technology also enables reactions to be set up at room temperature, with benchtop stability both before and after PCR for up to 24 hours.

EliZyme™ ProofRead HS polymerase generates blunt-end PCR products and has a fidelity that is approximately 100 times higher than Taq DNA polymerase. The enzyme is ideal for applications where superior accuracy is required, such as cloning, site-directed mutagenesis, and sequencing. It is provided with an advanced buffer system including dNTPs, Mg, and enhancers, enabling high fidelity PCR of a wide range of targets. EliZyme™ ProofRead HS polymerase is available as a convenient 2X Ready MIX with the option of a red dye for direct gel loading.


  • Hot start technology for maximised sensitivity and specificity
  • Greater success with long and/or GC or AT-rich templates (17.5 kb and over)
  • High temperature cycling – up to 100 °C denaturation to better separate GC-rich sequences
  • 100x higher fidelity than Taq DNA polymerase
  • Reaction mix stability for up to 24 hours both before and after PCR run
  • Generates blunt-end PCR products
  • Also available as a 2X ready mix with the option of a red dye for direct gel loading


  • High fidelity PCR
  • Long range PCR
  • Site-directed mutagenesis
  • Multiplex and high throughput PCR
  • Cloning
  • Sequencing

Product variants:

  • EliZyme™ ProofRead HS
  • EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX
  • EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX Red

Items Ref. No. Size Package Price ex. VAT VAT  
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS EZ0601-EN 1x0.05 ml 2U/µl + 1x1.7 ml buffer + 1x1.7 ml 10× Enhancer 100 U € 128.10 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS EZ0605-EN 1x0.25 ml 2U/µl + 3x1.7 ml buffer + 4x1.7 ml 10× Enhancer 500 U € 610.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS EZ0610-EN 4x0.25 ml 2U/µl + 6x1.7 ml buffer + 4x1.7 ml Enhancer 1000 U € 1 159.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX EZ0708-EN 2x1 ml mix 80 rxns € 173.80 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX EZ0716-EN 4x1 ml mix 160 rxns € 331.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX EZ0706-EN 4x7.5 ml mix 600 rxns € 1 179.20 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX Red EZ0808-EN 2x1 ml mix 80 rxns € 173.80 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX Red EZ0816-EN 4x1 ml mix 160 rxns € 331.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ ProofRead HS MIX Red EZ0806-EN 4x7.5 ml mix 600 rxns € 1 179.20 21 % Buy

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