EliZyme for isothermal amplification

EliZyme™ LAMP

EliZyme™ LAMP product line represents a complete solution for the users utilizing an isothermal amplification. EliZyme™ LAMP contain a recombinant enzyme derived from the large fragment of Bst DNA Polymerase, possesses strong strand-displacing 5'-3' polymerase activity. This enzyme is highly suitable for nucleic acid amplification methods, particularly isothermal amplification, due to its rapid amplification and robust strand displacement capabilities. Expressed in E. coli, Bst Polymerase represents the large fragment of Geobacillus stearothermophilus (formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus) DNA Polymerase, which catalyzes DNA synthesis in the 5'-3' direction, exhibits strand displacement activity, and lacks the 5'-3' exonuclease domain.

Bst Polymerase demonstrates notable strand displacement activity during synthesis and can be effectively utilized in applications such as whole genome amplification, multiple displacement amplification, and isothermal amplification. Engineered for fast amplification speed, Bst Polymerase consistently delivers rapid and reliable results across various target sequences. DNA synthesis occurs at a constant temperature, with optimal activity observed at 65 °C. However, Bst Polymerase performs well over a broad temperature range of 55 °C to 70 °C. The enzyme is supplied with an advanced 2-part buffer system, ensuring high yields and excellent performance even under challenging conditions.

Bst Polymerase is available in different formats, including a convenient 2× mix. The EliZyme™ LAMP products are optimized for the utilization with the EliZyme™ Fluorescent Dye that is ideal for a wide variety of applications including qPCR, high resolution DNA melt curve analysis and isothermal amplification. It is a green fluorescent dye with an excitation maximum at 482 nm and fluorescent emission maximum at 512 nm, so it can be visualized in every qPCR instrument by selecting the FAM channel.


  • Has strand-displacing 5’-3’ polymerase activity
  • Lacks 5’-3’ exonuclease activity
  • Synthesizes DNA at a constant temperature
  • Active over a broad temperature range, with an optimum of 65 °C
  • Gives rapid and consistent amplification across a wide range of templates
  • Includes a 2-part buffer system for higher yield under difficult conditions
  • 30-minute protocol
  • Flexible formats, with the option of fluorescent dye
  • Also available as a 2× ready mix
  • Glycerol-free enzyme


  • Whole genome amplification
  • Multiple displacement amplification
  • Isothermal amplification
  • Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Field diagnostics

Product variants:

  • EliZyme™ LAMP Pol
  • EliZyme™ LAMP Pol Dye
  • EliZyme™ LAMP MIX
  • EliZyme™ Fluorescent Dye

Items Ref. No. Size Package Price ex. VAT VAT  
EliZyme™ LAMP Pol EZ2616-EN 1×200 μl (8 U/µl) Bst Pol+ 1x500 μl 10× buffer A + 1×1 ml 5× Buffer B 1600 U € 94.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ LAMP Pol EZ2680-EN 1×1 ml (8 U/µl) Bst Pol+ 2x1.25 ml 10× buffer A + 3×1.7 ml 5× Buffer B 8000 U € 465.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ LAMP Pol Dye EZ2716-EN 1×200 μl (8 U/µl) Bst Pol+ 1x500 μl 10× buffer A + 1×1 ml 5× Buffer B + 2×125 μl Dye 1600 U € 114.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ LAMP Pol Dye EZ2780-EN 1×1 ml (8 U/µl) Bst Pol+ 2x1.25 ml 10× buffer A + 3×1.7 ml 5× Buffer B + 2×625 μl Dye 8000 U € 564.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ LAMP MIX EZ2801-EN 1×1.25 ml mix + 1×125 μl Dye 100 rxns € 242.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ LAMP MIX EZ2805-EN 5×1.25 ml mix + 1×625 μl Dye 500 rxns € 1 201.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ Fluorescent Dye EZ3002-EN 2×125 μl 20× Dye 200 rxns € 40.00 21 % Buy
EliZyme™ Fluorescent Dye EZ3010-EN 2×625 μl 20× Dye 1000 rxns € 192.00 21 % Buy

Instructions for use EliZyme LAMP

(published 24.08.2023, size 1.0 MB)

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