EliZyme Polymerases

EliZyme PCR accessories

  • EliZyme™ Reverse Transcriptase

    EliZyme™ Reverse Transcriptase is a thermostable and extremely active modified M-MLV reverse transcriptase and is a reliable and heat-resistant enzyme designed to improve the speed and efficiency of cDNA synthesis while ensuring accurate transcript representation.

  • EliZyme™ Reverse Transcriptase 2.0

    The remarkable thermostability of EliZyme™ Reverse Transcriptase 2.0 (RTase 2.0) enables the utilization of reaction temperatures exceeding 55 °C. This feature enhances specificity, yields higher amounts of cDNA, and results in the production of more full-length cDNA products. EliZyme™ Reverse Transcriptase 2.0 excels in efficiently transcribing challenging templates, including transcripts with high GC content and complex structures.

  • EliZyme™ RiboProtect

    Introducing EliZyme™ RiboProtect RNase Inhibitor, a recombinant protein specifically designed to effectively block a wide range of ribonucleases, ensuring reliable protection for your RNA against degradation. This inhibitor is specifically developed for RNA-sensitive applications (RNA isolation, RT-qPCR, cDNA synthesis, and RNA sequencing), where even small amounts of RNase can have a significant negative impact on RNA quality and experimental outcomes.

  • EliZyme™ dNTP MIX

    EliZyme TM dNTP MIX includes all four dNTPs (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP) (2'-deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates), each with a final concentration of 10 mM or 25 mM.

  • EliZyme PCR Water


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